All The Single Ladies..??

This post is for all the single mamas out there. Hell, it can be for ALL you mamas (because it does apply to ALL), but it’s ESPECIALLY pertinent to the single mamas in my life…

One of the most incredible gifts that I have been able to give via my coaching business is when I have been able to show single moms – who just wish they could find a way to move from “survival mode” to bringing JOY back into their life – that it CAN be done.

I know what it’s like to feel as though you have to be brave for your kids, yet at the same time, you feel terrified about having to keep the applecart from toppling over; and you just wish you had a MINUTE (let alone an hour or a day) where it didn’t feel like the whole weight of the world was on YOUR shoulders. I know that feeling because I’ve lived that.

But I now know that happiness is an inside job and that the journey to getting stronger is both mental and physical. It takes courage and strength to initiate a change, but trust me, making a change for you will allow you to feel better, have some “you” time and GET MORE out of life.

I’ve been through my own experience of going through divorce, buying my own home and learning how to adjust to a life where I don’t have a partner to rely on, I GET it. It’s tough. But you CAN find the joy and you do DESERVE to enjoy life.

One of the hardest things for me to accept was that to be a good mom to my kids, I had to TAKE CARE OF ME first. It sounds cliche, but it’s true. It sometimes takes us a while to realize that, to fully believe that, to accept it, but when we do, it’s a shift that feels amazing. Being a better YOU makes you a better MAMA. ??

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